Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How To Prepare For Tests

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What Can One Do To Prepare For Tests

With students getting ready to take end of the semester exams I thought it would be appropriate to share some tidbits on Test Taking Skills:

(Please feel free to add any that you have found helpful preparing for tests)

1. Time Management: Prepare daily, have a study schedule, put information in manageable chunks

2. Make a Plan: Set a goal, use a tape recorder for notes

3. Create Study Aids: Flash cards, chapter outlines, maps

4. Organize a Study group: share notes, combine resources
Posted by Dr. Strecker at 9:52 AM

Friday, October 23, 2009

What is ADHD?

This disorder is associated with a dysfunction in the frontal lobes and/or prefrontal cortex, which bothers the brain of important cognitive elements.
How have you helped people with ADHD?